Community Partnership Design

frequently asked questions


How much does one of these projects cost?


Depending on the scope of the project and the desired print run, projects have ranged in cost from $10,000–$30,000. The cost is for printing and production only, as our labor is provided gratis. The larger the print run, the lower the “unit cost” will be for each piece. Some clients choose to fund these projects with grants; others also seek corporate funding (such as from pharmaceutical companies).


What is the time frame involved?


Generally, we will identify a client partner about six months to a year in advance of the Fall semester. This gives us time to plan, identify and secure funding, and create a working draft of whatever copy will be used for the project. The “active phase” of the project runs from the beginning of September to mid–December, and clients generally take delivery of the printed project in mid–January.


What is the MassArt team responsible for providing?


We will work with you to design your project and shepherd it through the printing and production process. We will do all of the image research and creation. We will make sure that we stay within the budget that has been set, and meet your delivery deadline.


What is a client partner responsible for providing?


The client partner provides all funding for the project, as well as the first working draft of whatever copy will be used no later than the end of August before the project begins its active phase. We ask that one person (or at most two people) act as the key point person for the duration of the project, to avoid confusion. This person must have the ability to make decisions related to the project. With such a short time frame, it is essential that we are not subject to “design by committee.” If the project will involve translation into a language in addition to English, the client partner must provide translation services. We do our utmost to proofread and make corrections, but ultimately the client partner is responsible for final proofreading and checking the proofs of the finished product before it goes to press.


Who owns the final product?


The client partner takes ownership of the final product, although we and the printer keep the digital files. Additional print runs and/or revised editions are not uncommon, and we can assist you with those down the line if necessary.


What does MassArt get out of this partnership?


Our students get the experience of working with a “real world” client; they learn to work as part of a design team; and through lectures, guest speakers and field trips, they learn everything they need to know about the process of commercial offset printing.


What does the client get out of this partnership?


Clients who work with us get a professional-quality printed product for considerably less money than they would pay a studio, agency, or contract designer. Plus, they get the satisfaction of participating in the education of young designers. Clients are welcome to publicize the project and partnership as they wish.

We welcome any additional questions about these partnerships. Contact Professor Lisa Rosowsky at